Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Human Fat Soap

I have to say, surrounding all the hype of "Fight Club", I kind of expected something more. Yes, I do realize that this film came out quite a few years ago...but it seemed like the right occasion for me to finally watch it. Now I can confirm my feelings that Edward Norton is a weasley fruitcake. The man..reminds me of Nicholas Cage only he is easily more dislikeable. At least Cage has something human we can all relate to with his bald spot, shortness, and penchant for choosing roles that are ridiculous ("Ghostrider" anyone? I have to save that for another just happens to be a film that is so absurd that it is actually hilarious). Norton is just a weasel. Enhanced with the shiny pretty boy Brad Pitt. The two combined create a vortex of gag. As psychological as "Fight Club" the end all I felt from it was the need to take a shower, get a tetnus shot, and swallow a sedative so my brain could unwind.

You're not going believe what I watched next...I'm not going to say because I've already written a negative review.

Sleepy Hollow is now playing before bed...can't say that I like this film either. Depp sort of fizzles, sad to say, but true in my opinion.

What else is there? Ah yes, I wanted to take a minute and write about my need to suppress the urge to make snarky comments on facebook updates. I feel that if I do write them, they have to be subtle enough to not be offensive. Some things people say bother me, I'm sure it happens to everyone. I almost wish more people would speak their minds in regards to facebook updates. I mean, I don't need to know about your every daily activity, including bowel movements. I believe I even had an update once that insinuated something about bowel movements. Lovely. Glad the person could be so open about the shit that comes out of their ass. Anyways...

The mood tonight is bleak.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Honk Honk Crash

Today marked the second excursion to Seattle I've had one week, neither of which was that enjoyable. City life is one thing, but dealing with traffic and the freaky deaky folks that roam the street is another. Trying to focus and write this is startlingly difficult. Jenna conned me into watching "The Ring" to see if me being almost 20 would change the way I viewed it, in other words, be less freaked out. I suppose it worked to a certain degree...never been a fan of horror films.

As for Seattle, fun for a visit. Makes me realize how much I'm in love with the country. Sequim might be a little boring bitch of a town, but deep down I love it quite a bit. Jenna and I almost ended up near death as she nearly made a U turn onto a one way street. I'm sure this blog will get back to me...Thank goodness for GPS, can't stress enough how much of a lifesaver it is. This is not very exciting writing, I wish I could go further into the depths of why Seattle traffic makes me want to end it all, but after the quick flashes of the people vaporized by the festering Samara are burned into my mind, it's difficult to concentrate.

Did I mention I'm staying at a crazy house right now? I'm sure that will get back to me like I said before...Tonight is now turning out so badly, that we are watching a horrible boot legged film of "Role Models", a movie that doesn't stimulate brain activity, on the contrary, fries brain cells with its sheer lack of intelligence.

Seann William Scott is a dipstick. I hate that guy and his crooked face. It's distracting. Blah. I can't write anymore. Go watch "The Terminal", a movie that proved to be slightly slow, but worth the extra time just to marvel over Tom Hank's Russian accent.