Monday, August 31, 2009

80's Shenaningans

So at this time I'm going to try to multitask and watch the live action film version of "Death Note", which I've been highly anticipating forever, think about all the 80's songs that are scrolling over and over again in my head, and write this while still retaining some semblance of wit. If the semblance fails than I'm sorry for the possible grammatical errors as well as ill developed opinions.

If you haven't seen "Death Note", I suggest it. I would link it from Hulu but I'm simply too lazy to do so at this time. Although my anime phase disappeared when I realized that being an intellectual was more fun in high school, once and awhile a show will pique my interest. "Death Note" played out like a feature film until about episode 20. The twists and turns made up for the overall daunting tone of the show. If the writing wasn't so damn good I don't know if I would have stuck with it for as long as I did. Worth a shot if the day is going slowly. We are watching the live version of the film dubbed, brings me back to the old Jackie Chan films...I love Asian cinema.

Now my original topic is dead...who really wants to read about 80's music anyway. Go listen to some, I think we all share the same general thoughts.

Ah the dubbing. I can't get over it. Most of the time I can't place the voice with the person at all. Like a pre pubescent boy speaking out of the mouth of a gangster. Maybe it was for effect, but it's lost in the sound of my own laughter. It all reminds me of the original "Iron Chef", a show which I used to watch religiously during one of the most boring summers of my life when I lived on a futon that was continually covered in sand by my brother, which also took multiple beatings in order to transform into an actual horizontal bed-type thing, and the end result was a bed that looked like an upside down see-saw. Yes that was a run on sentence, insert a semi colon if you wish.

Anyways, "Iron Chef"...I just recently revisited the show when I saw it playing on some random channel at my parents. Sometimes I think that the voice actors take such great pride in the fact that they can produce a giggle that rivals that of a...small child on helium? Yeah, that's about right. Ah it's a great show. The chairman was like a Michael Jackson wannabe ring-man from a Japanese circus. I really do love any Asian based cinema/TV.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Pasta! Yay

Spaghetti cat cat cat cat cat cat, spaghetti cat cat cat cat cat cat. Seriously, Erika, why? Not only has this been stuck in my head forever, but my oh so clever significant other keeps playing it over and over again. If you are unaware of this phenomenon I seriously suggest you look it up on Youtube and share in this pain I'm feeling.

If it weren't for the beauty of the Alienware laptop, I might have considered smashing it by now. Let's see, what is important and beautiful in the world? I watched "Hitch" today. Actually it was a continuum of when we first started it, and since my boyfriend is ghetto enough to not have a remote control, we had to watch most of the film over again. I like Will Smith...I always have. I like his films, I like his rap, I've seen almost ever episode of "Fresh Prince". As corny as "Wild Wild West" was, I still have some endearing feelings for it. Maybe it was the ongoing Kevin Kline crush that I had for years, but it worked for me. "Hitch" is good for some fluff, priceless moment is when he swings his leg around on the jet ski and kicks her right in the face.

As far as any movie trailer reviews..."Zombieland". Now there is something that looks miserably bright. If you could even use those two words in the same sentence.

If you don't have a Hulu account, I highly suggest getting on as it only takes a few minutes. Alright this movie looks like something in the same tradition as "Shaun of the Dead" only not British and therefore not as awesome. I have to admit though, when they are tallying zombie kills I let out a minor chuckle. I have somewhat of a loathing for Woody Harrelson though, the man just creeps me out. The only thing he was good for was getting whacked off in "No Country for Old Men". All in all I would give it the go, zombies are so popular, and if you can make fun of them a bit I say all the better. My vote is still with Simon Pegg, but I don't know of anyone else who would disagree with me.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


It's been several days now and I have yet to admit to myself that I am addicted to this:

I believe I've become a flash games junkie. "Cyclomaniacs" doesn't exactly help with it's multiple achievements waiting to be unlocked, and the multitude of characters that can also be unlocked. The music...well...I mute it whenever I play. The creators have a sense of humor at least, something I usually look for in a flash game if it's lacking in other areas. Blarg...I want to program one someday, been a long wish of mine. If I ever kick myself in the ass enough to take classes, and then kick it some more to actually do it...hmmm I feel sad thinking about it.

I was also thinking about this:

Although at first it looks slightly misleading, where it seemingly could be the animated show "Avatar: The Last Airbender" which aired on Nickelodeon for a few is actually James Cameron's next epic. While I can't really completely judge "Titanic" (his first Oscar glutton, high budget, mega hit), I can say that what I did see seemed gag worthy corny. I just can't take Leonardo DiCaprio seriously in ANYTHING. He is always going to be a squirt, I think that's the right word. While "Avatar" looks stunning, it is pretty much a redux of "Dances With Wolves" and "The Last Samurai" with a sci fi story. I like pretty blue gigantic aliens though, heh, I will give it a might be an illegal view online but that's what you get when you're broke.

As for "Avatar: The Last Airbender" is being made into a film and renamed just "The Last Airbender" because Cameron took a stink to them stealing any glory from his precious film. Might be a shock to some but...M. Night Shyamalan is the director of said children's film. Good God. Good God. All I have to say.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Oh Gawd, Mary!

Sometimes I sit at my computer screen and it will actually start to personify...itself? You know when you are behind a slow moving dipstick on the road and you start to look at their lights and they turn into some angry face? I guess it depends on the car...VW bugs seem to be friendlier. Or when patterns in some oriental rug swirlize themselves into freaky looking demon faces, maybe that's just me.

Today I drank a five-hour energy, you know the ones from the commercial that advertises how horrible normal energy drinks are and then incredibly materializes into a commercial for an energy drink? Yeah that one. Don't know why I did it, the boredom just got to that level. Anyway, it was definitely false advertising because not only am I feeling a strange crash now, but I was jittery and feeling like I might go into shock any moment. Still don't know how Bon Jovi can drink five of those before he performs...I saw that on 60 Minutes. Which reminds me, there used to be an anchor on 60 Minutes who was bald, had an earring, and had googly eyes. I used to stare at those eyes a lot, I think that anchor is dead now. I always wondered if others stared at those googly eyes. The clock that it cuts to is also unnerving...very unnerving. Reminds me of the Law and Order noise, only that sound gets me pumped for the next scene. I guess it's more like the noise from 24, now there's an eerie sound.

My Mini-Wheats are gone :(. I don't know if my system will adjust to the lack of fiber...gah...I hope it can. I think Augustus will miss them though, he liked them. I will surely miss all the ones which had too much frosting, the others were worthless in my mind. I had pancakes last night, which I usually hate. I don't understand why people can eat big blobs of dough that sink directly to the bottom of your stomach. It's a piece of dough...and that's it. There were chocolate chips in mine though, so I guess it wasn't just a piece of dough. They still are gross though. I will never understand pancakes, ever.